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A Stream-based LLM Agent Framework for Continuous Context Sensing and Sharing


Welcome to Everyone! 🤗

We welcome everyone to participate in the development of ChainStream, whether it is a developer, user, contributor, or any other role.

Join Us! 🙋

ChainStream is still work in progress, welcome to every user, suggester and contributor. Feel free to connect with us through Github Repo or Zulip Group :). Also, this documentation is still under development, please check back frequently for updates.

Documentation Architecture

For everyone, we suggest you read:

This documentation is written for three main audiences:

  • ChainStream User This audience is for those who want to use ChainStream to build their own agent or integrate it into their existing system.
  • Agent Developer This audience is for those who want to understand the inner workings of ChainStream and build their own agent.
  • ChainStream Sys Contributor This audience is for those who want to contribute to the development of ChainStream.


  • ChainStream is designed and developed by the AIoT Team from Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR), Tsinghua University.
  • Main contributors: Yuanchun Li, Jiacheng Liu, Wenxing Xu, Liangyan Li, Wenjie Du and others. We will release more detailed references in the future.